Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Senator Barnaby Joyce on the ETS

In Barnaby's words:

"This is just another tax. It is a tax that is going to come to you from the power points. Every electrical appliance in your house will have a tax on it. The ironing will be taxed, the vacuuming will be taxed, watching footy on a Sunday will be taxed, turning the lights on will be taxed. Who will they be taxing, working families. Then you’ll want to go shopping and what will happen? All your food will be taxed. If you are sick of it and want go on a plane and go away for the weekend, it’s on aviation fuel, you’ll be taxed. Everything in this new world under Kevin Rudd is taxed. Kevin in the shopping trolley, Kevin at the ironing board, Kevin in the kitchen, Kevin on the plane, too much Kevin makes me feel very sick.

And what is he going to do this for? Because Kevin is going to change the climate. It is amazing, he is going to make that out there different. He told us so, it must be true. The reality is the ETS is not going to change the climate one iota. Not one thing will change in the climate because of this new tax. Metaphorically speaking, the difference Australia will make is the equivalent of a the breadth of a hair on the length of about a one kilometre bridge.

It is so infinitesimally small. So ridiculous, so pointless, yet we are putting our economy out to dry."

Senator Barnaby Joyce - Transcript of Speech Nationals Fed Council 2009

Makes we wish he was the candidate in my electorate. I'd certainly vote for him!

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