I am a climate change skeptic, or to use the current intellectually fashionable term, I am a climate change denier. I do not dispute the fact that climate changes - it has for millions of years and will continue to change in the future. What I am skeptical about is the much hyped yet scientifically unproven proposition that it is predominantly man made, AGW (anthropological global warming), and the link between carbon emissions and climate change.
While the media and governments are both using this issue for their own agendas (much like Al Gore and Tim Flannery), I will continue to push an alternative view, and that is that the debate is not over and that the science is far from settled.
With Copenhagen set to host the next international forum on climate change in December this year, and with a post Kyoto agreement the aim, many alarmists are upping the ante on climate change by making more and more exaggerated claims about the affects of AGW and the urgent need to act. Sea level rises, Arctic melt downs, hurricanes, droughts - none of which they can prove - all of which are based on IPCC modelling and which are being reported as indisputable facts in the complicit main stream media. I say don't believe the hype. These models have been around for more than ten years now, and none of the predictions they made ten years ago have proven to be accurate today. Even the IPCC has recently admitted that some of their models are wrong.
We need to keep an open mind and let the debate continue before we tax and spend trillions of dollars on solutions that do little or nothing to help the environment.
And we should start listening to the real climate change experts!
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