Friday, 30 October 2009

In praise of the sceptics

Chris Uhlmann defending sceptics on the ABC. I have always respected Chris as a journalist for his ability to present both sides of the story in balanced terms. Not sure Aunty will be pleased with this though. Gold star to you sir.

Monday, 12 October 2009

The Peace (Keepers) Prize

The best article I have read regarding Obama and the Nobel Peace Prize. A recommended acceptance speech for Barack from two time Pulitzer Prize Winner Thomas L. Friedman.

Sunday, 11 October 2009

Obama's Nobel Farce

You know there is a problem when even left-wing bloggers think it's absurd.

What happened to global warming?

Another possible turning point in the climate change debate. The BBC over the last decade has, as much as any media organisation in the world, pushed the AGW argument that man made emissions are to blame for climate change. But now this, the first (and hopefully not the last) article that acknowledges that temperatures have in fact dropped over the last decade, that we may in fact be about to enter a 30 year cooling period, and most importantly, that CO2 emissions might not be the major cause after all.

As the AGW case has been fuelled predominately by the media, I see this as hope that the debate that "never was" is about to begin!