Family First Senator Steve Fielding says the Rudd Government’s gag on Victorian school principals is akin to communism.
“Since when was Australia a communist state?” Senator Fielding said.
"The Prime Minister and his team of spin doctors have gone too far this time. When you start to silence people from speaking out against the government, it goes against the right to free speech. The Prime Minister is using John Brumby as his puppet and trying desperately to control who says what in the Victorian education system. Mr Rudd is holding schools to ransom, knowing full well each school cannot afford to risk tens of thousands of dollars of Government funding if it speaks out against the Federal Government’s computers-in-schools program. The Federal Government agreement stipulates funding for computers will only be provided once the school has signed agreements saying they will not do or say anything to dissent the project. This project was another one of Mr Rudd’s election promises but I don’t remember the Prime Minister saying our children’s future was contingent on the Federal Government bullying our schools into silence.”
Couldn't agree more Steve! Even the ABC is questioning this policy: